Nua Trans Media, Chennai برنامه ها

Malayalam HolyBible with Audio 0.0.6
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
The HOLY BIBLE contains the mind of God, thestate of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and thehappiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts arebinding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable.Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to beholy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, andcomfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim'sstaff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and theChristian's charter. Here Paradise is restored, heaven opened, andthe gates of hell disclosed.Features:Bible Text1) Old Testament2) New TestamentAudio Bible (Bible in Audio Format)Picture/ Illustration BibleVerses with TopicsBible Reading PlanPlan Reminder
Masiram Astrology 0.0.5
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
MASIRAM ASTROLOGY APP• Masiram Astrology applications based on Indian Vedicastrology.• Masiram astrology will enable you to find the remedy of thosequeries that have been troubling you.• Our experts will analyse your horoscope and offer you requiredsolution (Reports are prepared by manually).• We analyse your birth chart and recommend you suitable deity,Poojas and pariharas to eliminate your problems.• In this application you also get Rahu kalam, muhurtha days,panchangam, starting letters of name based on nakshatras, Marriagematching.• You can know Sade Sati, Mangal Dosha/ Kuja Dosha, Kaal sharpaDosha present or not present in your Jadhagam/Jathagam.• Jothida prediction is Simple, Positive and Pleasant, you won’t bedisappointed.
Vanna Tamil FM Radio 1.1
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Vanna Tamil FM Radio24x7 Tamil Hit Radio.Hear latest, all time melodies, hit songs, favorite songs andmore.Must to have app for all Tamil Music Lovers.Enjoy and Relax yourself with Tamil Hits.
The Holy Bible with Audio 0.0.13
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
The HOLY BIBLE contains the mind of God, thestate of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and thehappiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts arebinding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable.Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to beholy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, andcomfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim'sstaff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and theChristian's charter. Here Paradise is restored, heaven opened, andthe gates of hell disclosed.Features:Bible Text1) Old Testament2) New TestamentAudio Bible (Bible in Audio Format)Image BibleVerses with TopicsBible Reading PlanPlan Reminder
Radio Punjabi Virsa 1.0
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Punjabi Virsa Radio - Radio Punjabi VirsaOnline radio for Punjabi Hits, Punjabi Songs.
La Sacra Bibbia con Audio 0.0.6
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
La Sacra Bibbia con Audio - Italian Bible withAudioLa Sacra Bibbia contiene la mente di Dio, lo stato dell'uomo, lavia della salvezza, la punizione dei peccatori, e la felicità deicredenti. Le sue dottrine sono santi, i suoi precetti sonovincolanti, le sue storie sono vere, e le sue decisioni sonoimmutabili. Leggi di essere saggio, credo che sia sicuro, e lapratica per essere santa. Contiene luce per indirizzarvi, cibo persostenervi, e comfort per allietare voi. Questa è una mappa delviaggiatore, il bastone del pellegrino, la bussola del pilota, laspada del soldato ea noleggio del cristiano. Qui Paradise vieneripristinato, il cielo aperto, e le porte dell'infernodivulgate.contenuto:- Text (Antico Testamento e Nuovo Testamento)- Audio (Antico Testamento e Nuovo Testamento)- Picture Bible (immagine Bibbia)- Verses with Topics (Versi con Argomenti)Bible reading plan (piano di lettura della Bibbia)plan reminder (promemoria piano)Caratteristiche:- Scegliere gli stili dei caratteri- Modalità Giorno e Notte- Ingrandisci Decrease fontEnglish:The HOLY BIBLE contains the mind of God, the state of man, the wayof salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers.Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories aretrue, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believeit to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light todirect you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It isthe traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, thesoldier's sword, and the Christian's charter. Here Paradise isrestored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed.
ATM Card Swipe Count
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
ATM Card withdrawals Count.Ever wondered to keep your ATM withdrawals counts. Here is thesolution.ATM CC helps you to keep track of your ATM withdrawals.Same Bank or Other Banks.Keep Track of last 3 months.Simple and Easy to use. Now available only India CountryBanks.
Sahas Prediction Chartfor Life 1.0
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Sahas Prediction Chart for Life"Please make sure you have internet connection on"This app brings the predictions of Sahadeva for future.In the Hindu epic Mahabharata, Sahadeva was the youngest ofthefive Pandava brothers.Sahadeva, Master of the swords "Heroic, intelligent, wiseandever wrathful, there is not another man equal unto himinintelligence or in eloquence amid assemblies of the wise."It is also believed that Sahadeva was an incarnation of thegreatplanet, Sukracharaya, the Asura Guru.As per the Bhagavata Purana, he is one of the greatestdevoteesof Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna once asked Sahadeva, whatshould bedone to stop the war. Sahadeva told him that Krishna mustbe tieddown and imprisoned and all the Pandavas along withDuryodhana mustbe sent to forest and Karna must be made the king.When Krishnachallenged him to tie him down, Sahadeva startedmeditating andenvisioned Krishna as a small baby and tied him down.Since Krishnacould not move out of his bondage created by Sahadevain hismeditative trance, he blessed him with divine vision andSahadevareleased Krishna from the bondage.After years of Celibacy and meditation in the forest, Pandu(fromMahabaratha (put link)) once said to all of his kids thatwhen hedied they should eat his flesh. By doing so they would beblessedwith great knowledge. But when Pandu died none of his sonhad thecourage to do so. But Sahadeva saw some ants taking a pieceof fleshfrom his fathers' body. He put that piece in his mouthandeventually got powers which he could never have imagined. Hesawwhat all had happened(about kuru and yadava's, Bhishma's vowandeverything that was past) and also about future(gamblingloss,mahabharta war, etc.).He met his cousin Krishna who made him vow to never speakofanything he knows. If anybody would ask a question he wouldalwaysreply with a question itself. As he knew what all was abouttohappen, he used occult sciences to show people how a smallrippleleads to a disastrous or a good result. He learnt everythingaboutplanets and stars and thus predicted how certain aligningofplanets or sun or moon or stars can change fortunes.Sahadeva was very good in Astrology. Duryodhana, on the adviceofShakuni approached Sahadeva in order to seek the righttime(muhurta) to start the Mahabharata war so that the Kauravaswill bevictorious. Sahadeva disclosed the same for the Kauravas inspiteof knowing that Kauravas were their enemy, as Sahadeva wasknown tobe very honest. Then, Krishna planned to create an eclipsemuchbefore the beginning of the war. In the mean time, both SunandMoon got shocked by Krishna's thought and appeared beforeKrishnastating that this will create a huge imbalance in theentireUniverse. Then, Krishna declared that as Earth, Moon and Sunaretogether in one place, this in itself was an eclipse.Sahadeva was the most intelligent among his brothers.Sahadeva was a very efficient organiser and planner.He was the main tactical planner among the pandavas.
Hindi Holy Bible with Audio 0.0.6
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
The HOLY BIBLE contains the mind of God, thestate of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and thehappiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts arebinding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable.Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to beholy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, andcomfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim'sstaff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and theChristian's charter. Here Paradise is restored, heaven opened, andthe gates of hell disclosed.Features:Bible Text1) Old Testament2) New TestamentAudio Bible (Bible in Audio Format)Bible Verses
Voice Tel 1.0
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
The best gift to Family & Friendstocommunicate is a message with your voice.VoiceTel makes it fast and easy.Join the Social Network with VoiceTel.Share your vocal Comments on Facebook, Twitter or eMail.Voicing your comment on your favorite topics such asMovieReviews, Book Clubs, Home Remedies or New RestaurantsVoiceTel’s mission is to give you the gift of truecommunication,with the fastest way to share your world around you,by using yourvoice.An App to voice your emotions privately and/or publicallywithfriends, family, or the rest of the world.App gives you the power to say what you need to say, whenyouneed to say it, how you want to say it, and who you need to sayitto, all in real-time.
Polish Holy Bible with Audio 0.0.4
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
The HOLY BIBLE contains the mind of God, thestate of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and thehappiness of believers. Its doctrines are holy, its precepts arebinding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable.Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to beholy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, andcomfort to cheer you. It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim'sstaff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and theChristian's charter. Here Paradise is restored, heaven opened, andthe gates of hell disclosed.Features:Bible Text1) Old Testament2) New TestamentAudio Bible (Bible in Audio Format)Picture BibleBible Verses with TopicsBible Reading PlanPlan Reminder
Icelandic Holy Bible with Text, Pictures, Verses 1.2
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
The HOLY BIBLE contains the mind of God, the state of man, the wayof salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers.Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories aretrue, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believeit to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light todirect you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It isthe traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, thesoldier's sword, and the Christian's charter. Here Paradise isrestored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. Features:Text 1) Old Testament 2) New Testament Audio Bible (Bible in AudioFormat) Bible Verses
Timer Watch 1.0
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Timer WatchThe timer remembers your last countdown times forquickre-use.Customize the look with a choice of several color.Perfect for every timing situation (sports, games, work andofcourse cooking).FEATURES:★ Multiple timers / stopwatches★ Renaming of timers and laps★ Countdown then up★ Countdown and repeat (loop timers)★ Countdown then start next (chain timers)★ Show current lap (optional)
Serbian Holy Bible with Audio, Text, Pictures 2.1
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
The HOLY BIBLE contains the mind of God, the state of man, the wayof salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers.Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories aretrue, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believeit to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light todirect you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It isthe traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, thesoldier's sword, and the Christian's charter. Here Paradise isrestored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. Features:Bible Text 1) Old Testament 2) New Testament Audio Bible (Bible inAudio Format) Picture Bible Verses with Topics Bible Reading PlanPlan Reminder
Super TV - Kollywood Channel 1.5
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Super TV - Kollywood CinemaA perfect channel to watch all the happenings in TamilCinema.Ultimate and dedicated channel for Kollywood Cinema.Latest Cine News, Trailers, Music, Comedy, Movies andmuchmore.Only for Fun and Entertainment. Watch all yourfavoritestars.Special entertainer for cine lovers.Share the contents via Social Hub.
La Sainte Bible avec Audio, Texte, Images, versets 1.5
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
La Sainte Bible - French Holy Bible with Audio La Sainte Biblecontient l'esprit de Dieu, l'état de l'homme, la voie du salut, lechâtiment des pécheurs, et le bonheur des croyants. Ses doctrinessont saints, ses préceptes sont contraignantes, ses histoires sontvraies, et ses décisions sont immuables. Lire pour être sage,croyez-le pour être sûr, et pratiquent d'être saint. Il contient lalumière pour vous diriger, de la nourriture pour vous soutenir, etde confort pour vous encourager. C'est la carte du voyageur, lebâton du pèlerin, la boussole du pilote, l'épée du soldat, et lacharte du chrétien. Voici Paradise est rétablie, le ciel ouvert, etles portes de l'enfer décrit. contenu: - Text Bible (AncienTestament et Nouveau Testament) - Audio (Ancien Testament etNouveau Testament) - Picture Bible (Photo Bible) - Bible Readingplan (Plan de lecture de la Bible) - Verses with TopicsCaractéristiques: - Choisissez les styles de police - Mode Jour etNuit - Augmenter Diminuer la taille
Latin Holy Bible with Audio, Text, Pictures, Verse 2.1
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Sancti Latine Audio Sancti Dei mens continet, quod status hominis,ad viam salutis, aduentante peccatorum, et felicia credentium.Doctrinalia sunt sancta, tenentur eius praeceptis, historicis etuera proferre et in iudicio eius immutabilis. Legit sapere creduntesse securus, ut essemus sancti et exerceas. Habet admoneo ut cibusconfirmas, et consoletur corda vestra et consolationem. Est iter inmappa peregrinator virga dirigentis ambitum, milites gladiischristianorum salutem. Hic paradiso restauratur, aperti sunt cæli,et portae inferi domus. Continet: - Veteris Testamenti (VetusTestamentum) - Novum Testamentum (Novum Testamentum) - NovumTestamentum intercedat pro Audio - Latin Picture - Vers cum Topics- Bible Plan - Lorem consilium Features: - Eligere styles font -Dies / Nox Mode - Source Occasus
Thirukkural All in 1 1.2
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Thirukkural or Tirukkural (Tamil Name: திருக்குறள்), or shortly theKural, is a classic Tamil sangam literature consisting of 1330couplets or kurals, dealing with the everyday virtues of anindividual. Considered one of the greatest works ever written onethics and morality, it is known for its universality andnon-denominational nature. It was authored by Thiruvalluvar.Considered as chef d'oeuvre of both Indian and world literature.Thirukkuṛaḷ is one of the most important works in the Tamillanguage. This is reflected in some of the other names by which thetext is given by such as Tamiḻ Maṟai (Tamil concept); Poyyamozhi(words that never fail); and Daiva nool (divine text). The work isdated to sometime between the third and first centuries BCE and isconsidered to precede Manimekalai and Silappatikaram, since theyboth acknowledge the Kural text. Tirukkural was originally known as'Muppaal', meaning three-sectioned book, since it contained threesections 'Aram', 'Porul' and 'Inbam'. Thiru is a term denotingdivine respect, literally meaning holy or sacred. Kural is a veryshort Tamil poetic form consisting of two lines, the first lineconsisting of four words (known as cirs) and the second lineconsisting of three. It should also conform to the grammar ofVenpa. It is one of the most important forms of classical Tamillanguage poetry. Since the work was written in this poetic form, itcame to be known as 'Thirukkural', meaning 'sacred couplets'.
Sankara TV 1.1
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Sri Sankara TV
Islam Pro 1.1
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Islam ProThe App includes the following:* Holy Qur'an with Audio* Qur'an Verses* Islam Radio* Quibla Direction* Prophets* Nearest Mosque Locator* Utilities
Sfanta Biblie cu Audio 0.0.3
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Sfânta Scriptură conține mintea lui Dumnezeu,starea omului, calea mântuirii, soarta păcătoșilor și fericireacredincioșilor. doctrinele ei sunt sfinte, preceptele sale suntobligatorii, istoriile sale sunt adevărate, iar deciziile sale suntimuabile. Citește-l să fie înțelept, cred că a fi în siguranță, șiîl practică să fie sfinți. Acesta conține lumina pentru a vădirect, produse alimentare pentru a vă sprijini, și confortulpentru a vă ridica moralul. Este harta călătorului, personalulPelerinului, busola pilotului, sabia soldatului, iar cartacreștinului. Aici Paradisul este restaurat, cerul deschis șiporțile iadului dezvăluite.Caracteristici:Text biblie1) Vechiul Testament2) Noul TestamentAudio Bibliei (Bible în format audio)Imagine BiblieVersetele cu subiectePlan de citire a Biblieiplanul de memento
Russian Bible with Audio, Text, Pictures, Verses 1.3
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
The HOLY BIBLE contains the mind of God, the state of man, the wayof salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers.Its doctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, its histories aretrue, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to be wise, believeit to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light todirect you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you. It isthe traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, thesoldier's sword, and the Christian's charter. Here Paradise isrestored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed. Features:Bible Text 1) Old Testament 2) New Testament Audio Bible (Bible inAudio Format) Image Bible Verses with Topics Bible Reading PlanPlan Reminder
La Santa Biblia con Audio, Texto, Imagenes, Versos 1.4
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
La Santa Biblia con audio - Español Santa Biblia con audio LaSantaBiblia contiene la mente de Dios, el estado del hombre, elcaminode la salvación, el castigo de los pecadores y la felicidadde loscreyentes. Sus doctrinas son santas, preceptos TIC sonvinculantes,historias TIC son verdaderas, y sus decisiones soninmutables. Leerpara ser sabio, creo que es seguro, y la prácticapara ser santo.Contiene luz para vivir, comida a apoyar, y consuelopara animarte.Es el mapa del viajero, el bastón del peregrino, labrújula delpiloto, la espada del soldado, y la carta de lacristiana. AquíParaíso se restaura, el cielo ouvert, y las puertasdel infierno sedescribe. Contenido: - Texto Biblia (AntiguoTestamento y NuevoTestamento) - Audio (Antiguo Testamento y NuevoTestamento) -Versos características: - Seleccione los estilos son -Modo Día yNoche - Aumento Disminución English: Spanish Bible withAudio TheHOLY BIBLE contains the mind of God, the state of man, theway ofsalvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness ofbelievers. Itsdoctrines are holy, its precepts are binding, itshistories aretrue, and its decisions are immutable. Read it to bewise, believeit to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It containslight todirect you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.It isthe traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass,thesoldier's sword, and the Christian's charter. Here Paradiseisrestored, heaven opened, and the gates of hell disclosed.
My Own News 1.1
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Use the App and create your own Breaking News Card. Share insocialgroups. Different templates to choose. Fun Oriented App. Easytouse. BBC, CNN, Fox News, Sky News, NDTV, Times Now,PuthiyaThalaimurai, Polimer, News7
Star Utsav Live TV Serial Tips 1.0.1
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Star Utsav is application for entertainmentonly.-----------Description------------------- Star Utsav isapplicationfor entertainment only. You cannot watch Hindi Tamillmovies andserials with this app because this app contain onlyinformationabout Star Utsav. This is a manual app to helps users toget startwhen use it and we do not related with it's owner either.StarUtsav Live TV Channel India serial Guide will teach youtheimportant things that you need to know about how to use StarUtsavany device. The step-by-step guide will make it easy to learnmoreabout features and settings that you need to change for StarUtsav.So if you are new users or just try Star Utsav in first timejustlet's this app help you. Start to learn about Star UtsavChannelLive TV today with our apps. You will know more about how towatchall Star Utsav TV movies online with best quality videos. Wewillhelp you to know all the serials, TV Shows, Programs Of StarUtsavTV Channel Live HD. Star Utsav has popular TV channels andserialsif you are Hindi or Arabian country this app is suit foryou. Ifyou don't know how to use it just follow a simple step bystepguide in this app. This app is friendly with new users thatwant towatch favorite channels such as Drama Series Channel at anytime.Just try it by yourself and you will love it. Let's this appguideyour way to use Star Utsav TV Channel. Star Utsav - Star UtsavLiveTV Serial Guide This Free Star Utsav Live TV Channel IndiaserialGuide will teach you the important things that you need toknowabout how to use Star Utsav any device. The step-by-step guidewillmake it easy to learn more about features and settings thatyouneed to change for Star Utsav. So, if you are new users or justtryStar Utsav in first time just let's this app help you. Starttolearn about Star Utsav Channel Live TV today with our apps.Thisapp is friendly with new users that want to watchfavouritechannels such as Drama Series Channel at any time. Justtry it byyourself and you will love it. Let's this app guide yourway to useStarplus TV Channel. Tips here is Watch your favouriteshows fromfollowing TV channels: - Live Cricket TV, Live TV, HD TV- News -Entertainment - Sports - Channel list - Educational andmuchmore... - Tele products - Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai -SaathNibhaana Saathiya - Ishqbaaaz - Diya Or Baati Hum - Bidaai-Mahabharat You will know more about how to watch all Star UtsavTVmovies online with best quality videos. We will help you toknowall the serials, TV Shows, Programs of Star Utsav TV ChannelLiveHD. Star Utsav has popular TV channels and serials if you areHindior Arabian country this app is suit for you. If you don't knowhowto use it just follow a simple step by step guide in this app.ItAlso Include All Sports Channels List and Details Guide: -StarPlus- Life OK - Channel V - MAA TV - Star Jalsha - Star Pravah- StarUtsav - Star Vijay - Star World - Star Sports - Zee TvSerials Youcannot watch Hindi Tamil movies and serials with thisapp becausethis app contains only information about Star Utsav.This is amanual app to helps users to get start when use it and wedo notrelate with its owner either. NOTE: This is unofficial guideforstar utsav tv. We will not provide any watch free Hindi moviesorwatch free Hindi serials service in anyway. Disclaimer: This appis100% unofficial, this app has is only for the advice andguidepurpose. Importantly, this is not associated with anyorganizationor company. We just created this guide to assist usersof the appto know the app rules and the way it is used. This appcomplieswith all Copyright law guidelines of "fair use". If youfeel thatthere is a direct copyright or trademark violation thatdoesn'tfollow within the "fair use" guidelines, please contact us..
Guide Game Max Fire 1.1
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
This game guide for Fire MAX has been developed to helpsbothexisting players of Fire MAX and the newcomers who areinterestedin Fire MAX get more fun and reach the win of Fire MAXeasier andfaster than expected. The content in this game-guide iswhat youneed to know to be a winner of Fire MAX. Let's go! If youarelooking for the info like how to play, upgrading, improvegameplayperformance as well as which items can be retrieved forfree andwhich ones you have to buy, this guide serves you theanswers.More, there are some tips and tricks which you can followand thenimprove the current gameplay immediately. The content hasbeentested against the latest release so it will be sure to followtheinstruction and suggestion in this mobile reference. This oneisfree to download and use without any limits or constraints.Let'shave fun and see how fast you can do to get the winner ofthisgame. Good luck! >>> From publisher <<< Thisonehas been built to helps users or players get on the fast-tracktoget the win with at least effort or payment. Please do not refertothis one as an official documentation or part of officialproduct.This is not a sub-version or alternative version of thegame-guide.There are not any offerings like discount or coupon codeattachedwith the installation package.
Riders republic - guide 2022 1.0
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Welcome to our new riders republic Walkthrough, Aboutridersrepublic game: In riders republic players walk, ski, bike,fly,parachute, snowboard, drive and sometimes flop across avirtualagglomeration of national parks and landmarks — a mash-up ofGrandTeton, El Capitan and more, crisscrossed and stitched togetherbyan assortment of mountains, scorched forests, valleys, dirttrailsand ski lifts. The world map is dotted with “events,”coursescorresponding to different extreme sports like dirt bikingandpowder skiing. As you complete these events, you unlock newgear,learn tricks and gain access to more challenging courses. inthisriders republic mobile tips you will know what is this game andhowto play riders republic 🚴🏼 ♀️. Disclaimer : This is a guide, notagame. It doesn’t use assets from the original riders republic,justfan content. This app requires a riders republic game to play.Thisapp is not affiliated in any way the game Assets and itsallproperty of their respectful owner.
Tips 1.0
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
HappyMod is Happy Apps Mod Guide HappyMod : This App Told YouWhatIs Happymod And What it Does For Happy Mod Apps guide forHappyModis a best guide for gamers who played HappyMods, that canplay withyour friends and family to enjoy in android HappyModadventuresgames. In recent times we have seen a significantincrease in thenumber of third-party app stores being launched. Oneof the latestis called HappyMod. HappyMod offers users thousands ofmodifiedapps and games, all with extra features and in-game orin-appbonuses and features for free download. HappyMod is one ofthe mostcomprehensive and feature-packed apps of its kind. This AppToldYou What Is Happymod And What it Do the best guide for gamerswhoplayed HappyMods, that can play with your friends and familytoenjoy android HappyMod Happy App adventures games. Modifiedappsthat will give users the best premium apps for no cost Theuserinterface for HappyMod is designed similar to the Store togiveusers the best experience. HappyMod Apps is a platform formodlovers to download, request and test android mods. New HappyappsHappyMod don't make the mods, and all the mods came fromtheinternet. Over 70,0000 android app mods can be downloaded here.Andwe will add more android mod apps. Featurescaracteristique:>> This guide for HappyMod can help you ingameplay >>This app is for entertainment and gamers. >>This apprequired an internet connection. This is anUnofficialCommunity-Driven HappyMod mobile backgrounds and has NOaffiliationPortions of the materials used are trademarks and/orcopyrightedworks of HappyMod, Inc. All rights reserved by HappyMod.Thismaterial is not official and is not endorsed DISCLAIMER Thisapp ismade by HappyMod fans. The content in this app is notaffiliatedwith, endorsed, or sponsored by any company. Allcopyright andtrademarks are owned by their respective owners. Theimages in thisapplication are collected from real gameplay screens,if we are incopyright, please let us know and it will be removed assoon aspossible. Thank you!
Number Locator - GPS Location 1.0
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
This is absolutely free app that you need to download and whenyoudownload this phone number location application you can modeyourphone book and then all the number that are unknown to you willbeable to track a phone and then very easily reverse phone lookupandthen be to see who is calling you and find location of.Features: *Area Code lookup. * Find STD ISD Codes * Number Locator* BlockCalls * True Location * Block Spam Calls * Call Blocker *ReversePhone Lookup * Search Number * Mobile Locator NOTES:-Thisapplication will not show the actual location or GPS locationofthe caller. All location information is at the state level only.Weare not storing or transmitting users' sensitive data of thedeviceand won't be misused at any cost. Mobile numbers are nottraceableby this application. DISCLAIMER: This App does not presentitselfas spying or secret surveillance and does not containviruses,Trojan horses, malware, spyware or any other malicioussoftwarealso is not have any related functionality or plugins. Allthelogos, trademarks, and other symbols are the properties oftheirrespective owners. We do not endorse or support any channel oranycompany.
Aptoidé Apps 1.0.1
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Aptoide app can be downloaded and used on Android devices. It hasasimple and smooth user-friendly interface. Aptoide store appallowsits users to download and use apps efficiently. Onceinstalled, theAptoide homepage will display all currently popularapps andproducts, all specially selected by the editors. Theinitialfeatures of the app are as follows:1. Download 📥all Androidappsand use them from free2.Have your own private repo to shareappsbetween devices (or with friends).3.Find apps uploaded bysomeonewho already has bought the original app.4.Manage your ownapp storein an autonomous and customized way.5.Downgrade your app’sversionif you want a feature back or the new version is too buggyfor yourdevice. 6. Search 🔎for specific applications. Thanks toaptoidesafety, you would find many apps on Aptoide and the maximumwouldbe from non-genuine users, you can also check for genuineandmalware-free apps (having a verified badge) to avoid any kindoftrouble. You can download and use the app with no doubt, asAptoideis a great place for finding applications. Please note:❗Thisisjust an informative guide and there is no connection withcreators.Be aware of the app and contact us if you have anyquestions.
Who's Your Daddy Sim Tips 1.1
Nua Trans Media, Chennai
Welcome to Whos your daddy game guide is about a clueless fatherhisgoal is to prevent the baby from dying. In Whos your daddy gameThedaddy player faces a number of challenges, He needs to bealert,fast moving and prepared to complete some Whos your daddygame TheObjective in Who's Your Daddy is to make stupid things inthe house.How to Win as Dad in Who's Your Daddy Daddy's Objectiveis to securethe house. These are the items to remember whenplaying as Daddy.Who is your daddy this game is a guide, for howto win in the " whosyour daddy game " It can help you understandthe game by downloadingthis help guide, so be prepared to learnhow to escape the Daddyhouse away from Daddy. Tricks. Who is yourdaddy this app is justtips and tricks. Complete advice for Whosyour daddy gameplay andcomplete all levels
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Nua Trans Media, Chennai
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